Most of my early life was rather unpleasant and perhaps Betty came as a relief from the misery of my surroundings. This is some of my headshrink- er's thinking. My childhood was filled with viol- ence and hate which is contrary to the nature of TV's, so I've been told. If I were to pick on any single incident that might have lead me to the path of TVism, I would say that the following incident may have been it.

My mother was making a skating outfit for one of my cousins. I guess that I was about 10 years of age or maybe a little older. She had to hem the skirt but lacking a dummy she grabbed me for a model. (No wise cracks) I remember having quite a sensation as I put the skirt on and a difficult time hiding the erection that resulted. The skating outfit remained in our home for two more weeks and I wore it during this period at every opportunity. During my teenage years, I often wore feminine undergarments but I tried to fight off the desires, which only made them more persistant. In order to show everyone that I was as masculine as the rest I participated in the neighborhood gang fights. I guess I was trying to prove something to myself as well.

At the age of 17 years I enlisted into the U. S. Army. I supressed my desire for dressing during my years in the service, by the frequent use of alcoholic beverages. In other words, I put on a four year drunk. The only time my commanding officer found out that I drank was when I showed up sober for work one morning.

I spent three years in Europe and found the booze and the women equally enjoyable. I seldom thought of wearing feminine attire during those years, but that was only because I did very little thinking about anything other than booze, women, army life and, suprisingly, school. The army did give me a chance to catch up on my education I had